While fibre break strength was increased with cotton boll age, it was reduced when temperature dropped.
At the same time, regular finishing methods cant balance the matter between wrinkle recovery angle and break strength retention.
It was found that the friction coefficient, break strength, elongation at break and the surface hydrophilicity of PPS fiber had changed after the modification.
The dollar lost strength the way many marriages break up—slowly, and then all at once.
One son after another pulled and twisted with all of his strength, but the sticks would not break.
The interlayers add strength and, should one of the glass layers break, keep the structure together, and the pieces from falling.
The one who’s always there to break our fall with seemingly magic strength and abilities.
The one who's always there to break our fall with seemingly magic strength and abilities.
So we're going to load it up to the point that it will break, and that allows us to measure the ultimate tensile strength.
Researchers have found that it is a good idea to break up your normal training routine with a different sport as it avoids repetitive strain injuries and increases the strength of joints and muscles.
That’s why petite people can learn to break boards and bricks with their hands: it doesn’t take calluses or brute strength, just the ability to generate a focused thrust with speed.
That's why petite people can learn to break boards and bricks with their hands: it doesn't take calluses or brute strength, just the ability to generate a focused thrust with speed.
Textile conveyor belts - Full thickness tensile testing - Part 1: determination of tensile strength, elongation at break and elongation at the reference load.
Very critical, and no one saw the Tibetan mastiff is how Break chain, and its strength is not all it needs to play in the outbreak of the brave moment?
The impact of temperature and duration of heat treatment on the breaking strength, elongation at break, initial modulus and work to break of the fibers was investigated.
The solution is to increase the strength of listening reading, for as soon as possible to break the bottleneck.
In real life he acted as chief minister of France, fighting and succeeding to increase the monarch's power and break the military strength of the Huguenots and nobles.
Factory seized items: density, tensile strength, elongation at break.
Marie puts all the strength of her strong arms and shoulders into the effort to break Natasha's back.
The oldest son tried with all his strength, but he couldn't. Then the other two did the same, but neither of them could break them.
My strength, my pride, in front of break up two words, completely crushed!
You break down my walls with the strength of your love.
The form (flow or break) of strength failure in structural component is connected with the mechanical property and the stress state of the material.
The skill essential factor by the speed, the strength, the endurance, keen, pliable but hard to break and so on five basic essential factors constitutes.
It can absorb water and keep stem full and increase strength to break.
The market must have accumulated enough strength to break through these resistance.
Penetration is calculated in accordance with quasi-steady process, and the effects of target strength and break-up of jets are also considered.
If there is brotherliness in our mind, our strength shall break out universe.
If there is brotherliness in our mind, our strength shall break out universe.