The breast can be cut into portions for grilling.
Previous research has suggested that aspirin can protect against bowel cancer, although results for other cancers, such as breast and prostate, were less clear-cut.
Cut the chicken breast into 2cm dices, mix with the marinade and let stand for 15 minutes.
Combine all the marinade ingredients in a ceramic or glass dish bowl. Pat duck breast dry. Score the duck skin in a crosshatch pattern with a sharp knife (take care not to cut into the flesh).
An analysis of Rhys' blood showed the few lymphocytes he possessed came from his mother and the supply had been cut off when breast-feeding ended.
US scientists have found a way they believe may cut the number of mistakes made by medical staff looking for breast and cervical cancers.
"Very well, " answered the little man. "But I shall have to cut a hole in your breast, so I can put your heart in the right place.
A blast round consists of cut, relief, breast, and trim holes.
Cut the chicken breast into slices. Mix with marinade for 20 minutes. Cut the bell pepper into pieces.
So Oz brought a pair of tinsmith's shears and cut a small, square hole in the left side of the Tin Woodman's breast.
Their figures suggest that among the pre-menopausal women, those who have the greatest intake of fibre have cut their risk of breast cancer in half.
Their figures suggest that among the pre-menopausal women, those who have the greatest intake of fibre have cut their risk of breast cancer in half.