The driver suffered from sleep apnea and had trouble using a device to regulate his breathing while sleeping in the days before the accident.
The condition, which can cause extreme daytime sleepiness, can be effectively treated with a special breathing device that alleviates the blockage by pushing air into throat.
When couples slept together in the same bed the men used the breathing device four hours or more 74% of the time.
If you're a cyclist, runner, or pram pusher, who'd like to know what you're breathing and how to beat pollution, join our programme testing a wearable version of our air pollution device.
Firefighters should wear breathing device and protective overalls in order to protect the firefighters from toxic gases harm.
A visit to the hospital or doctor sometime leads to you needing a medical device or equipment, like crutches, a foot brace, a breathing nebulizer, etc.
Concert methods discussed include breathing, voice, resonance, and the use of laryngeal lumen device placed.
One of them is Spire, a stonelike device that clips to a belt or bra and senses the expansion and contraction of the chest cavity during breathing.
The high-end device is credited with breathing life back into the home entertainment category of the home furnishing industry.
The high-end device is credited with breathing life back into the home entertainment category of the home furnishing industry.