The girl choked to death after breathing in smoke.
His illness is a result of breathing in paint fumes over many years.
As a general rule, all muscular effort is enhanced by breathing in as the effort is made.
Arriving on top, he threw down his load, breathing in the pure, fresh air.
I sometimes use the mantra, like just breathing in the breath of God and breathing out the breath of God.
Industrial pollution in our town had supposedly turned students into living science experiments breathing in a laboratory's worth of heavy metals like manganese, chromium and nickel each day.
Breathing in, I am aware of my heart.
Breathing in too much ozone can cause lung damage.
Practice breathing in and out in this way for 3 to 5 minutes.
用这个方法练习呼吸3- 5分钟。
Also, make sure you are breathing in and out through your mouth when you're running.
2 seconds breathing in through your nose, and 4 seconds exhaling through your mouth.
I know I have a hard time concentrating when I'm breathing in stale or warm air and it affects my work.
No-smoking areas cut down on this pollution and save non-smokers breathing in other people's cigarette smoke.
The act of breathing in flavours is known as 'whaffing,' which is being predicted as a futuristic way of eating.
Hold for 10 to 20 seconds while slowly breathing in and out, taking longer on the inhale. Burns 5 on the Home front.
And by now you've probably heard that breathing in someone else's secondhand smoke is also hazardous to your health.
A man has also taken legal action after he was left seriously ill from breathing in fumes from the decomposing algae.
They arrived in the late afternoon and fanned out for a while, admiring the flowering trees, breathing in the fragrant air.
Your body needs to warm up and you need to give yourself a chance to reach faster rates of breathing in a controlled way.
Snoring is caused by breathing in air through a partially blocked airway, according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM).
I just encourage people to breathe, to practice being in touch with their breath, "breathing in I relax, breathing out I release."
You are most likely to catch one of these infections by breathing in droplets in the air after an infected person coughs or sneezes.[1]
With your eyes closed, try breathing in through your nose to a count of three, and out through your mouth slowly to a count of six.
We're measuring how many viruses and bacteria all of us are breathing in and out every day, particularly on airplanes or closed auditoriums.
Just "breathing in I relax, breathing out I release.", releasing tension, releasing stress, release whatever one needs to, I release pain, even.
Everyone knows smoking is a bad idea. And by now you've probably heard that breathing in someone else's secondhand smoke is also hazardous to your health.
Breathing in this atmosphere I made my way through the nave to those stone steps trodden by successive waves of pilgrims, some with beads, some with cameras.
The Department of Health has focused on getting what are known as respirator masks. These have filters, which stop a person breathing in some particles in the air.
The Department of Health has focused on getting what are known as respirator masks. These have filters, which stop a person breathing in some particles in the air.