Here is a new selection of breathtaking and beautiful Moscow shots made from roofs, towers and bridges.
The Nile is gorgeous in Aswan, and the city is home to a wonderful museum, market and breathtaking antiquities.
Aerial photos always seem to be breathtaking and different, as they show all the objects on earth from a new perspective.
We all watched the towers collapse, completely, falling from the skies above into a cloud below — horrific and awesome, breathtaking and unbelievable.
Some of their football was breathtaking, a delight to watch.
The tower offers a breathtaking panorama of Prague.
The busy streets in Paris were uneven and caked in thick mud, but there was always a breathtaking sight to see in the shop windows of Patisserie de la Rue de la Paix.
The governor has considerable political talents, but as a speaker, he is far less adroit than his opponent, whose oratorical skills are breathtaking.
Silver had a breathtaking decline of -10% on Thursday, followed by an additional -17% on Friday.
It was a breathtaking car race.
Our island is a unique place full of art, archeology, history, folklore and breathtaking scenery.
German output grew by a breathtaking 1.5% in the first three months of 2011 (6.1% on an annualised basis).
On Feb. 1, 2011, the Hinode satellite captured this breathtaking image of a coronal hole, the dark area seen at the right side of this image. A second, polar coronal hole can also be seen at left.
What follows is a breathtaking story of the hw-sound and the wh-spelling.
以下讲述关于hw -音和拼写wh -的惊人故事。
These breathtaking photographs capture the remarkable moments when a tiger bowed its head and placed a paw up to the hand of a small girl.
A humpback whale, which was freed from almost certain death by three men off the coast of California, repaid the favour to its rescuers with a breathtaking display of breaches and dives.
It's a long climb up the hill but once you're up there the view is breathtaking.
These principles will continue to evolve — not at a breathtaking pace, but gradually, as we acquire more experience about what works, what doesn't, etc.
Now the driftwood hut is a relic of a bygone age, in a wilderness of breathtaking beauty.
I was hiking along a trail in the Silver Falls State Park in Oregon with my soon to be boyfriend and as we rounded a curve, a breathtaking vista complete with a roaring waterfall came into view.
When penicillin was discovered, in 1929, it suggested that treatment of disease could be simple-an injection that could miraculously cure a breathtaking range of infectious diseases.
Here is a number of breathtaking photographs to inspire you!
"Breathtaking" will do for a start, perhaps followed by "magnificent", and certainly "ever-changing", particularly since the rocky cliffs are exposed to all the forces of wind and weather.
However, this breathtaking image actually shows a common occurrence-they approaching the dual runways of San Francisco International Airport for parallel landings.
The colors are a result of volcanic activity.The beauty is breathtaking.
The breathtaking views can really make a dull route feel fresh.
Rainbow fish are small but breathtaking in colour, varying from a single vivid colour to a spectrum.
Rainbow fish are small but breathtaking in colour varying from a single vivid colour to a spectrum.
Rainbow fish are small but breathtaking in colour varying from a single vivid colour to a spectrum.