Owing to various causes in construction and application, low-strength mortar is often used in brick masonry structure buildings.
Practices proves that the circular arc abnormity brick for a masonry work has the advantages of convenient construction, long service life and high popularization value.
Wall masonry of brick-concrete structure is a mine work in industrial and civil buildings, so the quality of wall masonry directly affects the quality of whole construction engineering.
In the paper, mechanics and construction techniques of modified waste ash brick masonry are studied by the experiment which is the basis for the applications of modified waste ash brick in project.
Construction columns are required in frame-supported brick building of anti-seismic structure, which has an effect on the load-bearing capacity of the masonry.
This paper probes into the optimization of structural design for bottom bearing beam of the lower masonry structure of brick-frame construction.
Building construction and techniques: The building rests on a 50cm deep brick masonry foundation rendered with a facing cement plaster.
Building construction and techniques: The building rests on a 50cm deep brick masonry foundation rendered with a facing cement plaster.