More than one attempt may be necessary, as may the injection of a "bridging agent" to further gum up the blowout preventer.
As a two-dimension high conductivity material, graphene is a good bridging agent and interface coupling agent in electrode materials.
The lp - 2 chemical grout is a strengthened lignin chemical liquid consisting of wood pulp waste liquid, bridging agent and gelation agent.
The major factors investigated included the concentration of drug in ethanol, temperature of system, the amounts of surfactant and bridging agent as well as agitation speed.
The manifold has two containers full of various sorts of rubber and plastic that are particularly good at gumming things up (Mr Wells prefers to call this a "bridging agent").
The manifold has two containers full of various sorts of rubber and plastic that are particularly good at gumming things up (Mr Wells prefers to call this a "bridging agent").