There was not a child on board the brig that night who did not already love him.
Despite its cuddly name, the Beagle was a naval brig outfitted with 10 guns.
Interior Ministry spokesman Brig.
The violator was sent to the brig.
The guy just came out of the brig.
The brig is heaving around on the anchor.
Next time don't forget to brig me a copy of your work.
How long does Cally spend in the brig for shooting Sharon?
A healthy body is the soul of the living room, a sick body is the soul of the brig.
Of course Joey didn't appreciate Kim's comments but Brig was laughing in the background.
Their first meeting was in the brig at Camp McIntyre while serving 30 days apiece for insubordination.
A good acid and alkali - resistant, heat resistant properties, is more popular on the market a fluorescent brig...
Brig considers that this may explain why more people are willing to show their character blog ore-mail and privacy.
The alert level "is now at a higher class" than in 2002, says Air Force Brig. Gen. Jung Jae-bu, commander of the 20th Fighter Wing.
Although the colonel General Staff position was traditionally held only by colonels, Than Shwe let Brig-Gen Thein Sein remain in the post.
" Australian Brig. Gen. John Frewen contends, "The unintended consequences of Chinese carriers pose the greatest threat to regional harmony in the decades ahead.
澳大利亚准将John Frewen却断言道:“中国自造航母无意中对未来数十年的地区的和谐构成威胁。”
Surveys of WWII infantrymen carried out by U.S. Army Brig. Gen. S.L.A. Marshall found that only 15 to 20 percent had fired their weapons in combat, even when ordered to do so.
They considered Private Manning's behavior to be consistently normal, while he was at the brig with the exception of one day which Bradley himself explained he wasn't feeling well.
Seven Marines and a Navy medical corpsman are being held in the brig at California's Camp Pendleton, as commanders weigh possible charges against them in connection with the April 26 killing.
目前,涉嫌杀害哈希姆的七名海军陆战队员与一名海军医务兵被关押在美国加利福尼亚彭德尔顿军营。 当局正在考虑对他们提出指控。
My berth ain't very roomy, ' said the Captain, turning back again, 'but it's tolerably snug; and if you was to find yourself near Brig Place, number nine, at any time—will you make a note of it?
My berth ain't very roomy, ' said the Captain, turning back again, 'but it's tolerably snug; and if you was to find yourself near Brig Place, number nine, at any time—will you make a note of it?