Worst of all it's hard to bring any of the theories into real action.
Look for some small items to bring a bit of happiness into your day: perhaps photos of your loved ones, an inspirational poster, or even small toys or action figures that make you smile.
Now of course as you're experiencing these feelings and thinking about it, the Law of Attraction starts going into action and things begin to happen to bring you towards this dream.
Great speakers stress the fact that everybody has a lot of potential which if put into action could bring incredible results.
The previous basement parking space being reprogrammed and renovated into library and gallery. This action regenerates the space and bring new public space indoors.
Here there is a chance to start again, to bring the lessons learnt from Earth and to put them into action on a new planet.
Or, if you've been developing a strategy, try to bring your thinking to fruition and then start putting your plan into action.
To effect a change in habits, one needs to bring the action back into the realm of consciousness and regain the ability to make choices.
It is only this total action on the part of each individual that will bring a wholly different world into being.
To bring the action of eyes, hands, feet and breath into one single coordinated action.
Making a rational judgment of degrees of farmland conversion in provincial level will bring farmland protection policies into action efficiently in China.
American industrial genius, unmatched throughout all the world in the solution of production problems, has been called upon to bring its resources and its talents into action.
Probe into logistics current situation bring B2C restriction of e-business, the advantage of B2C combining with the chain enterprises, accelerate the action that the two combine.
Vampire of the Sands is an action-heavy dungeon crawl that can bring new players into this subset of gaming.
You can be called into action with the knowledge that can bring calm to a changing planet.
You needed to experience Earth and to prepare yourself for the time when the frequency alteration would begin to occur and you would all incarnate in large Numbers to bring the plan into action.
Our companies and research centers have already plunged into action, and will bring with them new materials and new technologies.
It' II bring into play action on cheaking unhealthy tendencies and hospital cultural and ideological progress.
The first step will show you what the next step must be. Take action, and whether it brings the desired result or not, it will definitely bring you more insight into how to proceed next.
第一步将决定第二步怎么走。只要采取了行动,无论是否能带来预期的结果, 都无疑会拓展你下一步的视野。
The first step will show you what the next step must be. Take action, and whether it brings the desired result or not, it will definitely bring you more insight into how to proceed next.
第一步将决定第二步怎么走。只要采取了行动,无论是否能带来预期的结果, 都无疑会拓展你下一步的视野。