To enter queries against a collection, click the little binoculars icon in the GUI client to bring up the window shown in Figure 3.
One of the biggest new problems comes from “patent trolls”—lawyers who bring cases against companies for violating this or that trumped-up patent.
Bill Cosby, a comedian, Tours the country urging black parents to "rein in their anger" against the system and bring up their children to study, work and solve disputes amicably.
Then, determine that you will never bring that issue up again to use as a weapon against your spouse.
If necessary, it can bring up the matter for reconsideration at the next meeting, but apart from that it must not act against the decision in any way.
They shall also bring up a company against thee, and they shall stone thee with stones, and thrust thee through with their swords.
We rebel against the world our parents have worked so hard to bring us into, that part of growing up is kicking at the ties that bind.
Some of the close-up, level-to-the-ground camera shots put viewers smack up against the smack-ups that bring the ball carriers so bruisingly to a halt.
Some of the close-up, level-to-the-ground camera shots put viewers smack up against the smack-ups that bring the ball carriers so bruisingly to a halt.