The vaunted new wireless technology promises to combine the speed of broadband Internet access with the ubiquity of mobile phones.
It must do so if it is to realise its high hopes for new markets such as smartphones and wireless broadband (Intel is the main cheerleader for WiMax, a new wireless broadband technology).
Telephony, once the mainstay of the industry, is just one service that can be offered over broadband connections, which will increasingly depend on new fibre-optic and wireless technology, not copper.
OFDM technology will become the core technology for wireless communication in the future, OFDM will be widely used in cognition radio, in the 4G mobile communication and the wireless broadband access.
With wide application of broadband wireless access technology, the EMI phenomenon is more and more serious among communication systems and inner communication base station.
As one of the most promising technology in the next generation communication network, BWA (Broadband Wireless Access) has drawn much attention and became a hot spot of researching.
Both military and civilian, broadband RF technology in wireless communications in both occupy an increasingly important position.
Broadband Fixed Wireless access Network, a novel broadband access technology which has many advantages, has become a very promising access mode.
The topic of the research comes from the learning for hot wireless broadband technology and experimental result form projects in which the author involved. It belongs to the liberal study.
This article introduces some main wireless access technology and briefly describes access technology for broadband IP wireless mobile network.
Because of the ability to combat multipath interference and high spectral efficiency, OFDM has become the first choice of physical layer technology in future broadband wireless access systems.
This paper focuses on the WIFI as a new type of broadband wireless access technology, it has a faster transfer speeds and longer transmission distance.
In other cases, 5g wireless technology may replace the broadband service coming into your home via wires or cables, Vestberg said.
The solution in this paper is not only overcomes the weakness of current technology, but also achieves fluent, clear, real-time video transmission in wireless broadband networks.
In the end, this paper presents an application project about wireless broadband access technology used in power system.
For example, the broadband technology will change forever the way we enjoy entertainment, as the rapid development in wireless technologies has already changed our personal and work habits.
Broadband wireless communication technology has been drawing great attention recent years. OFDM and SC-FDE are two kinds of promising transmission techniques on physical layer.
目前,宽带无线通信受到人们的广泛关注,OFDM和SC - FDE是宽带无线通信物理层两种有效传输技术。
Broadband wireless communication technology has been drawing great attention recent years. OFDM and SC-FDE are two kinds of promising transmission techniques on physical layer.
目前,宽带无线通信受到人们的广泛关注,OFDM和SC - FDE是宽带无线通信物理层两种有效传输技术。