In our team clinic the injection needle used was with a broken coating and a barbed surface so it often hooked the muscles on my back out.
Analyze the cause and treatment of worn working surface of bearing pads for induced draft fan, after welding repair, the broken babbit alloy bearing pads in actual application has good usage effect.
The symmetry of the planetary relief is broken in the western Pacific where the geoid surface is uplifted.
The peaceful surface of lake was suddenly broken when a flock of birds, with their wings waving in the air and their disturbing voice, soared into the sky.
The chemical composition, metallographic structure, hardness and surface of fracture are analyzed herein for the broken blade and lacing wire in order to find the cause of blade fracture.
That stunning woman, in the broken surface, still Ting Li.
The production equipment mode of specialized area arrangement classified by oil, gas and water was broken by general drawing design of surface construction in Dong Hetang.
Objective to investigated the clinical application of the situ covering of toenail in repairing the broken surface of toe hyponychium.
Broken Bridge back surface as a result of Hill City, is in the North outside the lake and watershed point in the lake, the broad field of vision is the best winter snow watch West premises.
It is suggested that the broken crystal layer and microcracks in surface layer of the cold drawn rod is the source of the heat treatment induced cracks.
The deformation characters of the broken rocks are the important factors that affect the roof caving and surface subsidence above goaf in coal mining.
Embossed molding the whole floor is the in-situ surface, one will be off or fade, do not collapse and fracture (such as grass-roots level is not broken).
Due to the increase in thickness of oxide film on the allay surface, the film is broken off easily and the anti-oxidant property decreases.
Due to the increase in thickness of oxide film on the allay surface, the film is broken off easily and the anti-oxidant property decreases.