Mr Sarkozy promised to restore France to a central role in Europe and to mend its broken fences with America.
They also look out for signs of illegal entry, such as broken fences where a poacher may have sneaked in. Poaching remains one of the biggest threats to tiger conservation.
The suspicion is that Mr Obama, desperate both to build some broken fences with big business and to make progress on connecting every American home to the internet, will give in.
The town had just been hit by the worst typhoon of the year. The ground outside was strewn with broken twigs and dry leaves. Fallen bamboo fences submitted to the sodden ground. What a pitiful sight!
The town had just been hit by the worst typhoon of the year. The ground outside was strewn with broken twigs and dry leaves. Fallen bamboo fences on the sodden ground. What a pitiful sight!
The town had just been hit by the worst typhoon of the year. The ground outside was strewn with broken twigs and dry leaves. Fallen bamboo fences on the sodden ground. What a pitiful sight!