Brown dwarf star is a class of stellar objects as a mass of about 5-90 Jupiter.
Nicknamed "Nemesis" or "the Death star," this undetected object could be a red or brown dwarf star, or an even darker presence several times the mass of Jupiter.
It took so long to find because it's an extremely dim and cool kind of failed star called a brown dwarf.
This diagram shows a brown dwarf in relation to Earth, Jupiter, a low-mass star and the sun.
The red orb at bottom left is a young planet, similar in composition to Jupiter, orbiting a brown dwarf, a dim, failed star that is probably 42 times less massive than the sun.
The star is a brown dwarf - and formed, like other stars, out of a cloud of dust and gas.
Scientists have not ruled out that the COROT-exo-3b may be a brown dwarf, or failed star.
科学家们还没有排除COROT - exo - 3b是褐矮星还是不成功恒星的可能性。
The star is a brown dwarf - and formed, like other stars, out of a cloud of dust and gas.
The star is a brown dwarf - and formed, like other stars, out of a cloud of dust and gas.