Based on his findings, Herzig believes that brown fat may originate from a mother cell of adipose tissue that by default tends to make white fat.
“Brown fat is one of the body’s natural defenses against obesity, ” said cell biologist Bruce Spiegelman of Harvard Medical School, who co-authored the paper published Wednesday in Nature.
“灰色脂肪是一种人类抵御肥胖的一种天然保护,”哈佛医学院的细胞生物学家Bruce Spiegelman说,他也是周四发表在Nature上的那篇文章的作者之一。
kajimura-ebat-11The fat is brown because it contains extra blood vessels and mitochondria, the energy factories of the cell.
"What we show in this paper is kind of a big shock. We show that brown fat is derived from a muscle-like cell, and that brown fat and white fat are completely different," he said.
"What we show in this paper is kind of a big shock. We show that brown fat is derived from a muscle-like cell, and that brown fat and white fat are completely different," he said.