It occurs as a brownish red film-coated tablet and a pale orange film-coated tablet.
When stored at room temperature , Adrenobazone injection often changes from orange to brownish red , which reduces its effective content.
For two Yuan samples the amount of magnetite in pigments is nearly similar to the amount of hematite, the decorative pattern of which is of brownish red color.
The results were that Atractylodes polysaccharide was brownish red colored powder, tasteless, water-soluble and undissolved alcohol, acetone, chloroform, et al.
A red, fine and elegant wine, harmonious, light and friendly. It has a vivid red color when young, evolving to brownish red when mature. It gains a special smoothness through maturation.
Intermingled with the brownish red are such bright and dark colors as orange, black, blue and green; seemingly translucent, they flicker off and on, exhibiting a coloring effect of remarkable appeal.
Most of this refracted light is in the red part of the spectrum and as a result the moon, seen from Earth, turns a reddish, coppery or orange hue, sometimes even brownish.
Outer perianth segments dark brownish - red, short lanceolate, with whitish edge.
It has a brownish body, a black cap, red eyes and white "spectacles" formed by rings around the eyes.
The ginger seal, as it is nicknamed, is born with rare brownish-red fur and wonky blue eyes.
A brownish-red crystalline organic compound, C20H 21N 3O, derived from aniline and used in the manufacture of dyes and in Schiff's reagent.
North American annual widely cultivated for its yellow flowers with purple-red to brownish centers; in some classifications placed in a subgenus Calliopsis.
In the past the tower has gone from reddish brown to ochre-brown, yellow, brownish-yellow and dark red, before operators settled in 1968 on the current color.
A small Eurasian finch(Carduelis carduelis)having brownish plumage with black wings boldly marked with yellow and a red patch across the face.
A small Eurasian finch(Carduelis carduelis)having brownish plumage with black wings boldly marked with yellow and a red patch across the face.