Kindle It: browser extension that will send any web page to the Kindle.
Alex Iskold is a founder and CTO of adaptiveblue, the developers of blueorganizer - a smart browser extension for Firefox.
Alex Iskold——adaptiveblue的创建者和CTO, blueorganizer (Firefox的一个智能浏览扩展)的开发者。
It can capture information anywhere on the web with a mature browser extension and it comes with Google's signature killer search capabilities.
Gears is an open-source browser extension that lets developers create web applications that can run offline. Gears provides three key features.
Google Gears is an open source browser extension that lets developers create web applications that can run offline. Gears provides three key features.
For examining JSON structures, you can install a browser extension, such as JSONView for Firefox, so that the JSON payload is displayed directly on the browser screen.
要检查JSON结构,可以安装一个浏览器扩展(比如jsonview for Firefox),以便JSON工作负载直接在浏览器屏幕上显示。
By installing the tool as web browser extension, you can encrypt and protect your information on any web site by security question and answer. Only people who know the answer can decrypt the message.
You don't need to restart the browser after installing an extension.
This generally involves tweaking the browser user interface to give the user a means of invoking the extension.
If your extension needs to interact with web pages, then it needs a content script. A content script is some JavaScript that executes in the context of a page that's been loaded into the browser.
Now, extension developers will be able to make use of the desktop notifications API to deliver notifications that appear outside of the browser window as well.
The IBM SOAP extension can be used to connect a client-side browser widget to an existing SOAP-based service.
It also dynamically packages everything needed to run a DSL application into a XAP (ZIP file with a different extension name) and serves it up to your browser.
Push Browser comprises two elements – a Chrome extension and an app for the iPhone or iPad.
However, when they are installed locally in a browser in its chrome system as an extension, they receive special privileges to access local systems and bookmarks.
This simple-to-use extension gives you full control over your tasks from the Browser and provides synchronization with your Gmail task list. Direct download
Being an extension of their browser, the search-giant envisions Chrome OS to be very Web-centric, with a minimalistic user interface.
You can add the Web Developer extension, which adds a menu and a toolbar to the browser with various Web developer tools, the same way.
可以添加WebDeveloper扩展,这向浏览器添加了一个菜单和一个工具栏,包含了各种 Web开发人员工具。
To follow along with this article, you'll need a browser that supports XForms — this article was written using Mozilla and the XForms extension — and a server that supports PHP.
本文的代码是使用Mozilla和Xforms扩展编写的,因此要实现本文的代码,需要一个支持X forms的浏览器和一个支持PHP的服务器。
You can change the file extension to.html and view it with a Web browser to convert the HTML special entities.
When you launch YSlow, the extension opens in the lower part of the browser, as shown in Figure 4.
Tweak CSS instantly? In this article, learn to use Firebug, a free, open source extension for the Firefox browser that provides many useful developer features and tools.
A better way to view the overall XML structure of the Gnumeric file is to copy it to a new file with an.xml extension and then open it with an XML-aware browser.
查看整个Gnumeric文件xml结构的一个较好的方法是将其以. xml扩展名复制到一个新文件中,然后用一个支持xml的浏览器打开。
After Firefox installs the extension, restart the browser. To use firebug.
Fennec, the codename for the mobile version of the Firefox web browser, now has its first extension.
The Tamper Data extension for Firefox (see the Resources section for a link) logs all the requests made by the Web browser and displays the time each took to download.
Now browse to c: \ article \ DXL \ and open a newly created DXL file (the extension is still XML) in your favorite text editor or browser.
现在浏览至c: \article \dxl \,并在最喜欢用的文本编辑器或浏览器中打开新创建的dxl文件(扩展名仍为XML)。
After a required browser restart, users will see the new extension available from the Fennec add-ons Manager, where it's also possible to access preferences and disable or enable add-ons.
You don't need to restart the browser after installing an extension (hurray!)
You don't need to restart the browser after installing an extension (hurray!)