When the server sends XML data to the browser, that XML data is processed using Document Object Model (DOM) APIs.
The Document Object Model (DOM) API exposed by the browser for dynamic display and interaction.
The Document Object Model (DOM) specifies the representation of Web pages and related browser objects so they can be accessed and manipulated by an ECMAScript program.
文档对象模型 (DOM)指定了Web页面的表示方法和相关的浏览器对象,因此可以通过ECMAScript程序进行访问和操作。
Specifically, my work focuses on coded web tests, the browser recorder, and the web test object model.
It's critical to get the browser to recognize the document as XML and to create a document object model (DOM) for it.
It's critical to get the browser to recognize the document as XML and to create a document object model (DOM) for it.