The void fraction in downward gas oil two phase flow in vertical tube is measured with the combined method of horizontal downward vertical tube for the two flow regimes(bubbly and slug flow).
The horizontal velocity at the outermost edge and thickness of bubbly flow are measured by laser Doppler velocity technique.
The experimental results indicated that the typical flow pattern in outlet-channels was bubbly flow and in outlet manifold was slug flow.
The happening mechanism of the typical structure of bubbly flow is analyzed.
A more detailed multi fluid model was developed with the gas phase divided into several groups according to bubble size to describe bubbly flow in a vertical pipe.
Using two-flow model, small perturbation theory and solvable conditions of one-order linear equations, a dispersion equation of pressure wave in horizontal air-liquid bubbly flow was proposed.
With the variation of flow rates and qualities, the flow patterns can be divided into bubbly flow, plug flow, stratified-wavy flow, intermittent flow and annular flow.
The gas-liquid two-phase bubbly flow in an impeller of a centrifugal pump was numerically analyzed in this paper with Eulerian model.
Experimental investigation was carried out to study the pressure wave speed and its attenuation for gas-liquid bubbly flow in vertical upward tube.
The commonly used two fluid models are not suitable for bubbly flow with non uniform bubble sizes.
The commonly used two fluid models are not suitable for bubbly flow with non uniform bubble sizes.