The equation for calculating the lateral buckling critical load by using the energy method is deduced, and an approximate solution is given.
A primary formula to calculate the buckling critical load is put forward, when U-shaped bellows only subjected to bending, and will be discussed for the future.
The effects of the connectors on the critical buckling load and the bending stress of pipes in horizontal section are analyzed.
The calculation of critical buckling load of struts is according to the condition of the end restraint.
The dynamic buckling modes, the critical load parameter and the dynamic characteristic parameter are calculated accurately on the basis of the solutions of the characteristic equations.
The critical load and critical stress were deduced by means of energy principle and catastrophe theory based on these conditions, and the buckling model of pillar was presented.
Experiments are carried out to study the buckling response of cylindrical aluminum alloy shells under transverse load, with critical buckling loads measured and buckling configurations recorded.
Analysis shows that, when the outside diameter of the joint is small, the variation of the outside diameter will change the sin critical buckling load.
Based on the relationship between the buckling load of a rigid column and the bracing stiffness, the critical stiffness requirement of the bracing for a single column was obtained.
The relationship of critical buckling load and fiber bridge stiffness are approximately linear. The greater the fiber bridge stiffness, the smaller the buckling region.
By comparing the load of compression deformation and that of compression buckling deformation, the critical relative thickness is derived.
This chapter indicates buckling modes, critical load and equilibrium path of plate under axial compression and shear load.
The critical buckling load is influenced by the pattern of bottom-hole assembly directly.
Critical buckling load of all plate specimens was derived based on elastoplastic theory.
The delamination is assumed to be elliptical in shape. In this paper the critical load of delamination buckling for a symmetric cross-ply laminate acted on by biaxial load is investigated.
Under axisymmetrical compressive conditions, the critical buckling load of sea ice plate is given.
Thus, for the slender struts supported on the elastically system, the influence of the bearing deflection on the critical buckling load must be considered.
By solving the disturbed equations, the bifurcation condition of the dynamic buckling, critical buckling load and buckling mode are obtained.
The closed form solutions of the critical load and the deflection contour of the delamination buckling decided by delamination radius, and the bridging factor are obtained.
The transfer-matrix method is used with the concept of the initial imperfection method of buckling analysis to the calculation of critical load.
The transfer-matrix method is used with the concept of the initial imperfection method of buckling analysis to the calculation of critical load.