If the number of events and actions queued on the messaging engine exceeds this buffer capacity, they will be discarded.
If disturbances hit Algeria and threaten its oil industry too, the buffer of spare capacity would fall below where it stood in 2008.
The initial capacity of the underlying buffer is large enough to hold the three strings to be joined.
BUFFERSIZE indicates the capacity (in 4k page) of the buffer space.
Writers are never blocked because the buffer capacity can be expanded indefinitely, or at least until the limit imposed by the underlying memory system is reached.
The analysis shows that although loss probability decreases through expanding buffer capacity, delay and delay jitter increase, whose effect on QOS will not be negligible.
Why is my buffer capacity still under the limit of detection?
In athletes who worked at a lower intensity-95 percent of lactate threshold-buffer capacity stayed the same.
Then how to use a computerized chemical equilibrium model to estimate and predict buffer capacity and susceptibility to acid precipitation of water systems are discussed.
The parameters for available phosphorus in terms of intensity, quantity and buffer capacity factors were discussed.
Conclusions: Frequent sucrose exposure reduced the mineral content and buffer capacity of dental plaque, and increased cariogenicity of dental plaque.
If the body did not regenerate the HCO3 - lost in buffering the non-volatile acids, the entire buffer capacity would be used up in abort 6 days (assuming a normal rate of acid production).
如果机体不能生成由于中和非挥发性酸而丢失的HCO3 -,那么机体的整个缓冲容量将在6天内被耗尽(假设在正常的产酸速度下)。
The effects of mobile phase composition, flow rate, column temperature, gradient ramp, ph value, salt concentration, and buffer concentration on capacity factors (K ') were respectively discussed.
To guarantee this, the system must carry sufficient buffer capacity.
Aimed at the problem of traditional resist impact composites has only resist impact function, a multi-combination resisting impact protective material with the capacity of buffer shock be developed.
The paper recommends REDEQL-2 Chemical Equilibrium Program to being applied to acidified water on estimating buffer capacity. Therefor , the function and procedure in this scope are describe.
The acid soil has stronger buffer power nad larger buffer capacity, so it could not be easily polluted by vanadium.
The change laws of the buffer of the potassium are the same as the capacity factor.
Finally, the relationship between buffer capacity, mean delay time and the jam radom of system is discussed.
The SDRAM has become the chief choice of the buffer storage because of its high speed, great capacity, and low price; but due to its complex control timing, it cannot directly interface with DSP.
The combination of vacuum tube encapsulation KUVAG fixation poor, poorer buffer capacity.
Reduced capacity carrier, transport, load port, buffer system.
It is because the waste slag in weak alkaline environment has the buffer capacity of the weak acid leaching, which thus results in lower leaching toxicity of the waste slag.
Brief discussions on the differential capacity of the simplest buffer system are also given in the paper.
This paper the evolution of the concept of soil buffer capacity, proposed a new concept, system to study soil pollution from soil buffering to pollutant.
The quantity of soil available phosphorus and intensity and its buffer coefficient are the important indexes to evaluate supply capacity of soil phosphorus.
Making use of large inner capacity and programmable resource of a CPLD chip, a high speed UART with buffer bas been designed to meet communication requirement.
In this paper the buffer capacity of strong acid and strong base solution is clarified in terms of buffer capacity differential equation.
In this paper the buffer capacity of strong acid and strong base solution is clarified in terms of buffer capacity differential equation.