B, single screw pump before adding buffer tank in pipeline, the buffering can store a certain amount of crude oil, and a current limiting device for mixture pumps supply a certain amount of crude oil.
The effluent will arrive into a homogenization and buffer tank after flowing through the coarse and fine screen, and then be pumped to the coagulation and repartition structure.
Attention is focused on the characteristic, structure and main technological parameters of high-pressure reactor, buffer tank, gas compressor, digital refrigerated circulator bath.
In terms of equipment factors, water addition method and buffer tank structure is modified.
The results of experiments indicated that the usage of buffer tank had good steady effects on the pressure in both sides of the reducing valve.
The machine comprises a high-frequency vibration draining screen in the upper part and a coal slurry buffer storage tank in the lower part.
The holding tank ACTS as buffer between inputs and output.
Note: Including the recirculation of filter backwashing wastewater and filtrate out of the dewatering machine back into the buffer tank.
The liquid level in the buffer tank is controlled by the liquid level controller, making the fluid infusion pump started and stopped timely, and a certain liquid level can be kept in the buffer tank.
The application of transducer in the crude oil buffer tank 's liquid level control system in introduced.
The application of transducer in the crude oil buffer tank 's liquid level control system in introduced.