The design of the buffer circuit of the IGBT is studied.
A lamp tube driving circuit includes transformer and buffer circuit.
The output buffer circuit can reduce spikes of waveforms in the readout circuit.
A hysteresis adding circuit (75) is coupled to the at least one output of the buffer circuit.
The optimum problem of the buffer circuit is analyzed about the propagation delay, the integrated circuit area and the power consumption.
The television power supply demands low ripple voltage, and the passive rc buffer circuit used in television before, decreased the power effect.
Four modules are included in the SPDT analog switch, for example, MOS switch circuit, driver circuit, buffer circuit, and ESD protection circuit.
By pulling up the output, the input buffer circuit enjoys improved margin, and is able to reliably signal a low power condition even when both inputs are low.
Based on the detailed analysis of the loading properties of a medium or small size TFT-LCD driver IC, a novel output buffer circuit of driving voltages is proposed.
在分析中小屏幕TFT - LCD驱动芯片的负荷特性的基础上,提出了一种新型的驱动电压输出缓冲电路结构。
Secondly, the hardware structure of the interface module is described in detail, mainly including data latch and buffer circuit, choice circuit of transmission rate, etc.
Plan a soft combination, microcontroller do core with simple buffer circuit, can realize the design requirement, advantages, easy to adjust, flexible and can realize the function is very rich.
This limiting amplifier composed of an input buffer, amplifier cells, output cells, and offset cancellation circuit.
It proposes using a noninverting amplifier consisting of a high accuracy and low drift integrated operational amplifier OP. 07 as a buffer amplifier in the circuit.
Only one input of the digital circuit unit is the buffer or inverter, the input in more than one are called logic gates.
An output buffer amplifier with compact structure used in detection circuit of micro sensor is presented.
This paper describes the implementation of buffer manager that is used in switch circuit, provides a request shift method to handle the latency between input buffer and central arbitration.
It uses tow-stage differential amplifiuers to increasee the circuit gain and uses a source follower as a voltage buffer to decrease signal volt- age losing.
The protocol realized some functions, such as two-way data buffer, shift register, clock circuit and parity check.
Hysteretic current controllable voltage source inverter technology and single phase clamping buffer technology used in the system were introduced; the power circuit and control circuit were designed.
The analog part includes self-test circuit, charge amplifier, post-amplifier circuit, CDS and S/H circuit, integrator, unity gain buffer.
The interface uses a circuit based on dual port FIFO buffer memory to realize data transfer of different I/O velocity between the two computers.
The monolithic integrated circuit, the digital clock, the data buffer, the interrupt, fixed time, disappears shakes.
Parameters of main power devices which include diode, IGBT, capacitor, inductance and buffer snubber circuit have been calculated in main circuit in the article.
This paper describes the design of a variable impedance output buffer, and its adaptive control circuit. It can automatically adjust the impedance of output buffer in real-time.
A novel frame buffer pixel circuit was developed which acquires low power inside a pixel.
A novel frame buffer pixel circuit was developed which acquires low power inside a pixel.