The overflow buffer is used to satisfy peak memory requirements for any heap in the instance Shared memory region whenever a heap exceeds its configured size.
For example, say that you cannot afford to have large buffer pools due to memory constraints on the test system and would like to configure the size the same without actually having them in reality.
Memory impacts the number of client connections and the size of the buffer pool and database cache allocated by the server.
If you are tracing to Shared memory, the size of the trace buffer controls the size of the dump file.
This setting controls the size of the NSF buffer pool, a section of memory dedicated to buffering I/O transfers between the NIF indexing functions and disk storage.
This difference in performance gain is predictable because the pressure on the TLB cache increases as the size of the database and the memory assigned to the DB2 buffer pools increases.
Our second hypothesis was that specifying the buffer pool size affects memory utilization differently at various user loads (Test Case #2).
我们的第二个假设是指定缓冲池大小对内存利用率的影响因用户负载不同而不同(测试案例 #2)。
If your system is constrained on memory, you can reduce the size of buffer pools in the target database because the DB2 LOAD utility does not use buffer pools.
如果系统内存不充裕,那么可以减少目标数据库中缓冲池的大小,因为DB 2LOAD实用程序不使用缓冲池。
You can introduce an additional parameter into Buffer to specify each memory block's size, and you can set it to a preferred value during the initialization of an abstract buffer.
Increasing the size of this buffer allows the system to map more virtual memory, which results in a lower miss rate for applications that use a lot of virtual memory like Oracle.
Because no party needs to manage memory, buffer-size identification becomes unnecessary (hence there's no possibility of the multi-execution problem identified earlier).
If you set the buffer pool size too high, then system memory usage will exceed the available physical memory, causing the operating system to spend more time paging the memory.
Ring buffer logging consists of a fixed size of allocated memory buffer that is used by the process for logging.
Maximum size for the replay memory buffer.
The new method improves the efficiency of bus and reduces the size of frame buffer in memory and FIFO in DMA channel.
Increasing the size of the buffer is expensive, as it comes from non paged memory that cannot be swapped out to disk, so keep the buffer as small as possible.
Increasing the size of the buffer is expensive, as it comes from non paged memory that cannot be swapped out to disk, so keep the buffer as small as possible.