Why dont these people have whats called a bug-out bag in their car where they could take off and leave the area?
为什么这些人不在他们的车里装上收购袋(bug - out bag)呢?这样他们就可以在动身离开这个地区了呀,为什么他们没有这样做呢?
If you had a bug-out bag in your car you'd have gas and fuel and medical supplies, things to keep you warm, things to keep you cool, all packed up ready to go.
如果你的车里有一个收购袋(bug - outbag),你就用它装上汽油、医疗用品、保暖物品、降温材料,所有都打包收拾好,就可以准备走了。
Bug-out bag is a bag that contains items needed in an emergency and that is ready for a person to take if they have to leave quickly in the event of a disaster.
To find the bug, we have to trace back through the flow of control to find out where the variable was assigned and determine whether doing so was incorrect.
My Bostonian bug turned out to be one of many on the forefront of an unprecedented resurgence.
Whatever you do, don't put winter clothes in storage areas that are bug-addled or dirty-unless you want to throw them out next year.
不论你采用什么方法,不要将冬季衣物放进那些被虫子侵蚀的储存柜- - - - - -除非你打算明年扔到这些衣物。
As you'll have figured out a patch doesn't just go straight into the kernel upon being put forth as a must-have bug fix or new feature.
When I see a bug, I reply directly to its author, pointing out the nature of the bug and usually suggesting a fix.
The Ugly Bug contest is hosted by ASU's "Ask a Biologist" program, which attempts to get the university's science out into the world.
Said to be one of the safest houses in the world; fire, flood, termite resistant, and aesthetically repellant-the spiny roof and bug-eyed Windows are sure to keep burglars out!
You will have negative thoughts — the important thing is to realize when you’re having them, and push them out of your head. Squash them like a bug!
Along with the new features there are total of 88 work item fixes, 71 out of those being bug fixes.
How can you find out what's wrong if the bug isn't obvious?
Due to the asynchronous nature of signals, it is difficult to point out the bug caused when a signal-handling function triggers a non-reentrant function.
It turns out, that this will be a bug, and I want you to think about why it's wrong for me to put this check here.
And she shoots him a look: 'It's like a cartoon character, where her eyes bug out and her mouth turns down,' says Mr. Breeland.
Immediate feedback from another programmer can point out a bug before software moves to production.
You can now remove or comment out the print statement you added because you have discovered the bug in your code.
After I added a test for (and fixed) this bug, Jester then reported that only eight out of 11 mutations went undetected, as shown in Listing 2.
When bugs are discovered in an older version of a shipped product, you can easily check out that specific version to confirm, fix, and generate a patch for the bug.
For example, suppose you found a bug and fixed it and now need to push that update out to production.
It turned out that I'd introduced (unintentionally, this time) a bug that was triggered by a common circumstance and it caused the server to die with a segmentation fault.
You would have to hand code the validation to root out this bug — not to mention invalid dates and invalid numerics.
You need another bug to get out of the sandbox.
As of March 2006, there is a bug that resets this variable the first time the timer on the flow timers out.
Pinta’s last release, version 1.0, slipped out in April of this year and brought with it only minor bug fixes.
I think even if a tester did report that bug, it would be closed out immediately with a reference to the requirements doc that says we only support browsers that use cookies.
Adding these checks came out of a user bug report identifying a potential bad distance calculation.
With all of the time you've invested in Grails development at this point, you need to make sure that it starts out bug free and stays that way for the life of the application.
With all of the time you've invested in Grails development at this point, you need to make sure that it starts out bug free and stays that way for the life of the application.