This wrapper is used internally by the wsrf.js library and includes the basic mechanism for creating the SOAP Envelope and building the requisite XML for the operation.
此包装对象由wsrf . js库内部使用,其中包含了创建SOAP信封和构建操作所必需的XML的基本机制。
The house is an experiment in shape, meaning and function of the building envelope.
The building design takes it inspiration from the unique forest and nature located in Taiwan, creating a new building envelope that blends naturally into its surroundings.
In contrast to a conventional building, a passive house is enclosed in an airtight envelope.
Ji 'nan telescopic Peng is the building envelope structure, its setting is in the building wailimian.
The new façade reprograms the typical building envelope, allowing changing displays of artwork to exist within a free-form platform of white painted aluminum canvases.
Therefore, energy efficiency in buildings should firstly start from building envelope.
To ensure a comfortable interior climate the building envelope features insulated concrete form walls and a spray-foam insulated roof.
The dark envelope of the building seems to dissolve, thereby revealing the plasticity of the superstructure and its exceptional tectonics.
A series of Windows vents are strategically positioned around the building envelope.
Focusing on the new technology or measures in the building envelope and the exploration and utilization of new building energy, several energy efficiency methods are correspondingly provided.
The thermal insulation of the building presents a hermetic envelope created by the inertia of the concrete used for the building and the thick grass roofing.
Insulation material is the key to improving thermal technology performance of building envelope, and plays an important role in building energy conservation.
This shows that the building envelope in the area of energy-saving measures fall far short of the national energy-saving standards.
The company provides production and construction of light steel structure, large-span arch Cai Gang, the door-frame roof of the building envelope and the production and installation.
Analyses the determination of surface heat transfer coefficient, interior building envelope load, air infiltration load, equipment load and heat storage load, etc.
For example, the building envelope should consider material applications, fenestration and structure, while the interiors should include a kitchen, bath, living area and one bedroom.
Passive solar and passive ventilation design principles combine with a high-performance building envelope (composed of SIPS: structurally insulated panel system).
The building envelope also features 800mm earth fill over XPS insulation on the roof and sandwich-type insulation between fair-faced in-situ concrete external walls.
The museum sits as a slender, horizontal structure in the park and combines all needed areas in one compact building envelope, providing a small footprint within the park.
Heat energy using equipment is part of the radiator, the energy level depends on the performance of building envelope insulation, maintaining indoor temperature and the environmental temperature.
The application of energy conservation technologies of residential building, in planning design was discussed, as well as in building envelope design and engineering design.
Comprehensive evaluation of the audit include building envelope, heating ventilation and air conditioning, indoor air quality and other seven types of indicators.
The key points of integrated design for the building site selecting and building envelope system were elaborated, and effect enlighten to the architect designer are expected.
Therefore, establishing thermal environment standards for buildings in small town and improving building envelope, heating methods and air-conditioning system are getting more and more important.
The heat storage of building envelope is not considered by steady state calculation method of heat loss index.
The continuity of the building envelope conveys a sense of identity to both staff and customers; while the building's volumetric shaping ensures it a striking role in the appearance of the town.
The continuity of the building envelope conveys a sense of identity to both staff and customers; while the building's volumetric shaping ensures it a striking role in the appearance of the town.