What would be the burden of proof?
Speakers have no need to "convince" anyone of anything, nor are they obligated to bear the burden of proof or self-justification.
One is reversing the burden of proof for corporate claimants: if they want to Sue for libel, they would have to show that the published material actually damaged their business.
And the recent High Court case ruled that the legislation under which Customs and Excise operates wrongly reverses the burden of proof.
It would also reverse the burden of proof, requiring owners to show they acquired land legally and without violence or threats.
The bill would not introduce American-style statutory protection of free speech: the burden of proof would remain with the defendant.
Other sensible ideas under discussion include capping damages and strengthening the existing public-interest and fair-comment defences-in effect shifting the burden of proof.
They operate with a much higher burden of proof than the civil justice system.
The burden of proof lies firmly with Mrs Howe, and she should be challenged to provide it.
In this situation, the burden of proof as to apportionment is upon each defendant.
In practice, however, there are many problems about the understanding of unclear facts and application of the rules of burden of proof, which have to be solved for the right judgment.
In each case the court has held that the burden of proof is on the manufacturer once substantial evidence of a health hazard has been shown.
Second, drawing on the burden of proof of discrimination cases of US, utilizes the estimated rule in the allocation of the burden of proof in labor dispute lawsuit.
It is generally recognized that burden of proof is the most proper treatment.
In the labor dispute lawsuit, the allocation of the burden of proof plays a vital role on the trial of the case.
If the allegation of the depositor is contested, the burden of proof shall be governed by the applicable law.
In practice, however, losing a case due to burden of proof issues is not infrequent.
The self-admission in civil proceeding can confine adjudicative power and free the litigant of burden of proof.
Due to the impossibility of applying the substantive provisions, it is necessary to find some other resolution, such as stay of judgment, mediation, special provisions and burden of proof, etc.
In this paper, by using an ordinary overtime case as a breakthrough you will be leaded to the question of burden of proof in labor disputes.
Additionally, the plaintiff shall bear the burden of proof and enforcing patent infringement judgments may become difficult if there is local economic protectionism.
There is no specific labor disputes procedural law in China, the allocation of the burden of proof in the labor dispute lawsuit is not clearly defined.
In the dispute settlement proceedings, burden of proof rules have great significance and relate directly to the fulfillment of the parties' substantive rights.
First, using the nature of the burden of proof can be divided, the labor dispute cases are divided into different categories, while the allocation of the burden of proof apply different standards.
The burden of proof is on the applicant to establish credible ties to China and an intent to return after a temporary visit to the United States.
Burden of proof as a highly practical and theoretical issue has many disputes and misunderstandings in the labor law field.
Burden of proof as a highly practical and theoretical issue has many disputes and misunderstandings in the labor law field.