Therefore, to sustain a flame at a nozzle attached to a hydrogen generator the burning velocity of the hydrogen gas must be reduced.
To express the effects of flame stretch upon burning velocity, Markstain numbers has been obtained from the measurement of flame speed.
Diffusion combustion of DME take a large percentage in the combustion process and burning velocity of diffusion combustion of DME is quick.
Because of the hydrogen gas unusually high burning velocity, hydrogen gas has been ruled out, by these prior investigators as a substitute fuel.
For the three-zone model, a set of coupled correlations has been derived to describe the effect of pressure and temperature on the laminar burning velocity and the laminar flame thickness.
So we are burning up an enormous amount of fuel at every launch just to get the rocket up to what's known as escape velocity.
In this engine, air is converted, by burning fuel, into a blast of hot gas moving at high velocity.
For diffusion burner, burning temperature is lowest, attenuation of velocity is quick.
With it running in a thermal plant , it has achieved remarkable success in saving energy, coal powder completely burning and controlling coal concentration and primary air velocity.
The 80-per cent runner also spends a few more calories each week (average calorie burning per mile tends to rise slightly as running velocity increases), which should be good for longevity.
跑80%max HR的人,每周还多消耗一些卡路里(平均每英里燃烧的热量,随跑步速度的提高而提高),这也有益于长寿。
From comparison between the calculational results and experimental data it is concluded that the nonuniformity of the erosive burning comes mainly from the nonuniformity of the velocity distribution.
The higher the chamber pressurization is, the greater the velocity of the burning gas flowing into the crack, the higher the pressure in the crack, and the sooner the crack fractures.
The higher the chamber pressurization is, the greater the velocity of the burning gas flowing into the crack, the higher the pressure in the crack, and the sooner the crack fractures.