Part of the auto-loan interest is deductible as a business expense.
He built up the business at the expense of his health.
If you expand your business at the expense of a customer, you eventually lose that customer.
Travel and event cost is usually a business expense.
Over the years voters have become less inclined to believe that the rich live under different laws, or to imagine that big business benefits its owners at the expense of the workers.
Transaction types are used to group revenue and expense items according to business or product groups.
But I don't pay as much attention to them because interest income and expense can be changed by making changes to the balance sheet and taxes are generally only paid when a business is profitable.
It takes less time and expense to start a business than five years ago.
Since a new Spanish railroad opened in 1992, Madrid's business population has swelled at the expense of Seville.
Often, they design for business goals at the expense of the customer's money, health, or happiness.
Some companies don't disclose a dollar figure because it is below reporting thresholds; others count security as an ordinary business expense.
For example, if your return contains a large bad debt reduction, explain the circumstances and document that the debt is a legitimate business expense.
Emphasize that it's a way for the established business to reward their customers at no expense and with virtually no effort.
Don't let corporations write off the cost of hiring foreign workers as a business expense.
The agent cooked the accounts, sold your business and feathered his own nest at your expense.
Its rise came at the expense of two older kinds of organisation that had dominated business until the middle of the 19th century-private partnerships and chartered companies.
Firms that hoard workers voluntarily do so because they expect to need them when business bounces back and, having invested heavily in their training, do not want the expense of replacing them.
Target to achieve a business expense reduction of 7-10% through this goal.
计划通过此目标削减7- 10%的业务开支。
On another hand, the time and expense required to build the SOA layer can detract from other business needs of a project.
Ryan, a former human resources executive, states, "Depending on the type of business, travel can be the second biggest expense for many companies.
They include interest income (from your cash balances), interest expense (from any debt the business has), and taxes owed (federal, state, local, and possibly international).
Some people say they use it to help with their expense tracking on business travels.
From a business function standpoint, the PBA application captures income and expense data and generates an income-and-expense ratio graph.
Twice in the past few weeks senior business people have taken it upon themselves to tell me how modest their expense claims are.
That low rank is in large measure a consequence of the expense of starting a business.
For these animal owners, no expense is too great, and the pet supply business is booming.
They include expense reductions such as public warehouse versus private warehouse, labor savings, and business recovery expense reductions.
You can start from a repository of basic every day business processes (for example, expense report or sales promotion), locate the ones that meet your needs, and then customize them for their own use.
You can start from a repository of basic every day business processes (for example, expense report or sales promotion), locate the ones that meet your needs, and then customize them for their own use.