You'll need to create four interfaces for communication of the Trade System application and integration with Business Events.
As a kind of newly developing business, its charge system and communication course control are closely combined together.
This article expounds from the design background, the design idea, the overall frame, the system function and so on several aspects of Shandong communication integration business support system.
Second generation mobile communication system (2g) is digital cellular system which can provide low-speed data business.
We illustrate how to use EPON Network Element Management System Communication Interface to call for business and how to use the callback function to transmit alarm data.
The transaction system is an important domain importing the distributed system, and the message communication for business gives some special requirements for MOM.
Its business covers network communication, computer system integration, surface mounting technology, printed circuit boards, electricity meters, micro motors, and high frequency devices.
The agriculture network cannot satisfy the needs and requirements of the electric power business management system, which requires many means of communication means and channel protection.
SMS interoperability gateway system, as an integral part of the SMS platform, belongs to the value-added services of the mobile communication business.
Wireless home network control system has already entered home and is becoming a new business in the field of communication and electrical engineering appliance.
Multimedia communication system as a hot research in area of communication applications, play an important role in industry, medical care, business and education.
With professional communication user constantly requiring more quickly setup a call, more reliability and more security, Trunking system complexity and business functions constantly increase.
Sales of commercial property management system is easy to use timely business and visitors to the understanding and communication, the viewer as a user can view information and other information.
It is a trunking communication system which has more advanced technology, richer business, and more potential development, and it can meet the needs of the broadband data and new value-added services.
Write your analysis for the task a as a piece of business communication in report style, using headings and a numbering system, including any illustrations you deem useful.
Future mobile communication brings forward higher call for wireless communication system in the field of transmission rate, system performance and system business capacity.
Taking full advantage of far-reaching, fast and convenient communication of e-business, Baoding Power Supply Company developed and applied a web-based reimbursement system.
Every social system has its own unique system of values, this system directly affect people's way of thinking, communication of the rules, business negotiation is playing a key role.
This paper introduces an interspace-business system, IBS for financial industry, which is based on the aspects of virtual table, transformation, communication mechanism, route mechanism and so on.
Along with the 3rd generation mobile communication system being gradually applied in business field, subscribers are in stronger expectation of high-speed high-performance mobile multimedia services.
Community medicine System is an application of Computer Technique in the field of medicine, which involved in data processing, multimedia communication, e-business, distributed network etc.
At the same time we had set up business negotiation system and expert forum for further communication.
At the same time we had set up business negotiation system and expert forum for further communication.