Continuing with this design, you can place all of the business logic and transition mapping in a utility class for use by both our controller and JSPs.
Model refers to your data, View to your presentation layer, and Controller refers to the application or business logic.
One controller can be assigned to several business components.
The controller layer is responsible for implementing the business logic of the service, achieved by invoking other services, other controllers, or an entity management layer.
Decoupling the service definition from the business logic (controller) and from access to the data (entity) ensures that no business logic manifests itself in the entities.
The idea is to keep the controller class as simple as possible to allow business logic to be abstracted to a helper class.
To cover the business rules identified in the sections above, the controller component clamps together all of these components.
This is a controller class that has the responsibility of managing the execution of the business logic.
For now, a controller class is a placeholder for one or more classes that would be fleshed out during design to implement the business logic of your system.
The most common mistake I see is business process in the controller.
The Cognos Controller 8 client USES the Windows profile location for storing personal Settings, cache files and technology business logic files.
CognosController8客户端使用Windows配置文件位置存储个人设置、缓存文件和一些. NET技术业务逻辑文件。
FAP will enable business users to consume BI, OLAP-style reports on Controller data by leveraging TM1 technology.
FAP将使业务用户能够利用TM 1技术,为Controller数据使用BI、OLAP风格的报表。
This approach lets you closely follow the MVC pattern, and limits the amount of business logic that is placed within our portlet controller.
In the J2EE Model 2 architecture, a servlet is the UI controller, responsible for getting input data, calling some back-end business logic, and then deciding what JSP to forward to.
The business application flow in WebSphere Commerce is implemented in the controller command.
The controller (used to implement the service business logic) of the catalog service implementation was then used to connect to the legacy catalog application.
随后使用了Catalog服务实现的控制器(用于实现服务业务逻辑)来连接到遗留 Catalog应用程序。
A much better idea is to place all your business logic into a controller servlet.
更好的办法是将所有业务逻辑放在一个控制器servlet (controller servlet)中。
Integrate the task command to the WebSphere Commerce business logic by calling the task command from the appropriate controller command of the business logic flow.
In the business layer we already have a BusinessLayerProxy, which realizes the IBusinessLayer interface and ACTS as a manager or controller for the entire business layer (see Figure 4).
The Finder controller handles any transaction-level logic and may call one or more business components for component-level logic
finder控制器(finder controller)处理事务级逻辑,可能调用一个或多个用于组件级逻辑的业务组件。
Taking a lightweight controller approach to designing the portlet, this class is primarily a lightweight object containing very little business logic.
The controller component aggregates all of the retrieved data into a set of business objects for display.
The controller command in turn USES the task commands to implement the unit business logic.
But they make sure that the business logic is invoked, that the controller logic doesn't detect any errors, and that the right HTTP response is achieved.
Our application development tools support the IBM Framework for e-business, which advocates the model view controller (MVC) concept.
The Controller provides application management and the business logic of the application.
The service is concerned only with the interception of the messages, but delegates to the controller to see that the business is done.
JSF also improves somewhat on the traditional Model 2 architecture by making it easier to move presentation and business logic out of your controller and move business logic out of your JSP pages.
The controller implements the service business logic by accessing other services or accessing backend entities via their create, read, update and delete (CRUD) operations
控制器将访问其他服务或通过其创建、读取、更新和删除 (CRUD)操作访问后端实体,从而实现服务业务逻辑。
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