But a salaryman in a T-shirt would be like a samurai without his sword, and there has been no serious challenge to Japan's business dress code for 150 years.
If the office dress code is business casual, wearing jeans and a T-shirt won't work in your favor.
Now, many workplaces have a business casual dress code with even more casual Fridays, and the bosses -- who go by their first names -- are your Facebook friends.
The newly re-issued dress code requires lecturers to wear a "business suit; smart jacket and co-ordinating trousers or skirt; smart shirt/top/blouse or smart dress."
Depending on the office dress code, a workable business wardrobe for men could include a good suit, dress shirts, dress pants, dark denim jeans, casual shirts, a good sweater and a nice coat.
I don't wear a suit because the dress code at my office is business casual.
I don't wear a suit because the dress code at my office is business casual.