Business transactions are most often conducted by phone calls and faxes.
But in reality faxes are still the most efficient way to quickly deliver a signed business document.
Through spreadsheets and faxes to traditional ways of doing business are now unable to deal with this complex situation.
S: It’s very nice to finally meet you, Mr. Mitchell after so many phone calls and faxes. (offers his business card first) I’d like you to have my business card.
Faxes did indeed carve a big chunk out of the business, but messengers hung on, thanks both to the poor quality of faxes and to new technology, such as pagers, which allowed prompter dispatch.
Faxes did indeed carve a big chunk out of the business, but messengers hung on, thanks both to the poor quality of faxes and to new technology, such as pagers, which allowed prompter dispatch.