In this task, the results are compiled, annotated, and summarized for presentation and discussion with the business and project team.
A: For the purposes of this discussion I have assumed that answer is "business continuity," and that you wouldn't really be all that bothered about losing a few application sessions.
We must reposition the discussion of SOA into a clear business context and remove the emphasis on SOA for SOA's sake.
The structure chosen for discussion in this article is a business continuity structure.
Business process modeling is no longer a modeling exercise for documentation and discussion purposes, but the process models become a direct input into business-driven development [10, 14].
While this is sometimes hard to tell (and is often driven by the product (s) you use), a good starting point for the discussion is to think of infrastructure logic versus business logic.
A discussion of industry surveys including competitive analysis rounds out the business case discussion for the IBM solution set.
This week the main area for discussion was the business 'need to re-structure.
Today will be your chance for a wide-ranging, thoughtful discussion with a business colleague, a significant other, an expert you have hired, or anyone who represents you, such as an agent.
Through discussion, we have found a multi-tier architecture based on J2EE and MVC pattern which provides a good mechanism for a telescopic, flexible and easy maintaining business system.
With the demise of the UK market, discussion has been taking place regarding the potential opportunities for international trade and business.
English is over grade 6, strong capability in language organization and expression, can communicate with customer in English fluently for business discussion.
Abundant communication and discussion opportunities will create an open platform for companies to identify potential partners and boost their business.
You are welcome to visit our factory for business discussion that could prove to be mutually beneficial for all concerned.
Coursework for a degree in this field will include an introduction to mass communications, business and professional speech, oral interpretation, discussion and debate, and related subjects.
Chapter Four based on the above introduction and discussion of business merger gives some suggestion of business merger accounting for reference.
It is not ACCEPTABLE for you to create posts thinly disguised as an innocent discussion when in fact they are nothing more than a promotion for your business.
We met in her department's conference room for a 30-minute discussion during which we exchanged business cards.
Volume purchase, business cooperation, please email us for discussion.
Hold regular meetings for the discussion of CQARA business and of …
维持正常会议讨论有关CQARA之会务、业馀无线电 …
Hold regular meetings for the discussion of CQARA business and of …
维持正常会议讨论有关CQARA之会务、业馀无线电 …