Organizations can use a single DB2 Records Manager system to support multiple line-of-business applications.
Unforeseen risk can hurt a company's bottom line as well as its brand reputation,” said Rob Ashe, general manager for business analytics at IBM, in a statement.
The legacy of WebSphere MQ is largely based on point-to-point connectivity, a top-level namespace that resides in the network itself and line-of-business ownership of host and queue manager assets.
Employees can use their own vehicles for business and claim relevant expenses with prior approval by line manager.
Xiong Weicheng is PON product Line Manager of Fiberhome. He is in charge of business development and management of PON products.
Be responsible for helping product line a general manager to carry on business communication and management with each one big area;
Be responsible for helping product line a general manager to carry on business communication and management with each one big area;