Key Business Process Choreographer components include.
Staff repositories are not part of Business Process Choreographer.
Both components together make up the Business Process Choreographer.
The staff resolution plug-ins included with Business Process Choreographer are
An additional example can be found on the Business Process Choreographer examples site.
可以从Business Process Choreographer示例站点上找到另一个例子。
Figure 3 shows the Business Process Choreographer components involved in authorization and staff resolution.
These work items are stored in the Business Process Choreographer database, thus caching staff resolution results.
A staff plug-in provider is supplied for each staff resolution plug-in supported by Business Process Choreographer.
Long-running business processes and human tasks are persisted in the business process Choreographer (BPC) database.
长时间运行的业务过程和人工任务存储在Business Process Choreographer (BPC)数据库中。
The query is mainly supported to be consistent to the other Business Process Choreographer staff resolution plug-ins.
As mentioned before, the business process Choreographer manages the life cycle of business processes and human tasks.
正如前面提到的,Business Process Choreographer用于管理业务流程和人工任务的生命周期。
Figure 1 shows an overview of the Business Process Choreographer architecture, which consists of two major components.
Business Process Choreographer provides a default set of staff verbs that can be used for standard authorization rules.
A set of simple staff queries is supported by all staff resolution plug-ins shipped with Business Process Choreographer.
The resulting deployed staff query is stored in the Business Process Choreographer database and is available at run time.
Work items build a cache for staff resolution results that is available for Business Process Choreographer authorization.
工作项为人员解析结果构建一个可用于Business Process Choreographer授权的缓存。
For a detailed article on compensation, see Using compensation in business processes with business process Choreographer.
要阅读关于补偿的一篇详细文章,参阅在运行于Business Process Choreographer的业务流程中使用补偿。
The author wishes to thank Frank Neumann, Development Architect, Business Process Choreographer, for his invaluable comments.
Or you might use the business process Choreographer Explorer to launch a business process or originating human task in your module.
也可以使用Business Process ChoreographerExplorer启动模块中的业务流程或初始人工任务。
The easiest way to run workflows to quickly view how this loan process is monitored is to use the Business process Choreographer Explorer.
要运行工作流以快速查看这个贷款流程如何受到监测,最简单的方法就是使用Business Process Choreographer Explorer。
In this respect, you'll understand how SCA modules look at runtime and how business process Choreographer manages your business processes.
在这方面,您将了解SCA模块如何考虑运行时,以及Business Process Choreographer如何管理业务流程。
Among other new features, business process Choreographer in Version 6 supports defining and executing event handlers in business processes.
v6中提供了许多功能,其中Business Process Choreographer支持在业务流程中定义和执行事件处理程序。
Business process Choreographer Explorer provides a generic, Web-based interface for creating and working with business processes and human tasks.
Business Process ChoreographerExplorer提供了基于Web的通用界面,用于创建和处理业务流程和人工任务。
After creating a few process instances in Business process Choreographer Explorer, you can now receive and work with the human tasks related data.
在Business Process ChoreographerExplorer中创建几个业务流程实例之后,现在可以接收并处理与人工任务相关的数据。
Authorization management transforms the staff query result into so-called work items that are stored in the Business Process Choreographer database.
授权管理将人员查询结果转换为Business Process Choreographer数据库中存储的所谓的工作项。
Business Process Choreographer tightens this restriction further, since it cannot distinguish incoming messages based on correlation sets or partner links.
Business Process Choreographer进一步加强了此限制,因为无法基于相关集和伙伴链接区分传入消息。
During the Business Process Choreographer installation (described in Part 13), each application server in a cell is configured to point to a central queue manager.
在Business Process Choreographer安装期间(在第13部分进行了说明),计算单元中的每个应用服务器都配置为指向中央队列管理器。
The article then provides a detailed description of the staff query XML syntax for the three staff resolution plug-ins that are part of Business Process Choreographer.
This is the interface that the Business Process Choreographer Explorer will use to populate the task list and to get the input and set the output data of the human task.
此为Business Process ChoreographerExplorer将用于填充任务列表和获得人工任务的输入及设置输出的接口。
The people directories that are supported by the Business Process Choreographer were also described, along with configuration recommendations for production environments.