The Business Roundtable, another influential trade association, has published a 49-page list of current policies which, it claims, inhibit economic growth.
And Business Roundtable executive Director Johanna Schneider says even the country's leading executives know regaining everything that has been lost will not be easy.
The Business Roundtable, which represents 160 big U. S. companies, said Thursday that 60% of chief executives in a recent survey expect to slash jobs in coming months.
代表美国160家大型企业的商业圆桌会议(Business Roundtable)周四称,最近接受调查的首席执行长中有60%预计将在今后几个月中裁员。
But as IBM's Global Innovation Outlook (GIO) team (see Resources) found out last month, virtual worlds are also a great place to host a very real-world, business-oriented roundtable discussion.
IBM的Global In novationOutlook (GIO)团队(参见参考资料)上月发现,虚拟世界还适合举办非常真实的、面向商业的圆桌会议。
But as IBM's Global Innovation Outlook (GIO) team (see Resources) found out last month, virtual worlds are also a great place to host a very real-world, business-oriented roundtable discussion.
IBM的Global In novationOutlook (GIO)团队(参见参考资料)上月发现,虚拟世界还适合举办非常真实的、面向商业的圆桌会议。