A business use-case model, modeling the functions of the "as is" business.
The business use-case model is a model of the business intended functions.
We started the business object model soon after the business use-case modeling effort.
The business use-case model is used as an essential input to identify roles and deliverables in the organization.
As we fleshed out the business use-case model, a number of objects emerged that were good candidates for the business object model.
For example the business modeling set includes a business use-case model, business rules, a business architecture document, and a business supplementary specification.
The RUP documentation shows the evolution from business use-case model to business object model and system use-case model; we found this to be quite accurate and helpful.
Figure 4 shows how we worked actors into our business model in Rose — specifically, in a use-case diagram associated with customer service that's an excerpt from our business use-case model.
Moreover the business workers that initiate those methods are to be traced to corresponding system actors (User Roles) living in the system Use Case model.
This allows us to evaluate the completeness of the use-case model from a business perspective, as each system use case must support one or more business use cases.
In my experience, it is best to avoid these in your business use case model.
In RUP terms, we rebuild the Business Use Case and its Business Analysis Model.
During business analysis, requirements gathering, and use-case design, the model deliberately lacks detail, showing only the information concepts that are most important for the business.
Because a use-case model is defined from a business analyst's view, it provides a level of abstraction that's a useful communication tool for project stakeholders.
A common problem is that the use case model explodes in size very quickly, especially when you are working on the abstraction level of business requirements.
Now you have a well-structured and understandable business use case model.
A similar algorithm is used here to map a business use case model onto another business use case model in a different context.
Link the Business Model to the System Model by means of dependencies between the System Use Case Realizations and the Business Use Case Realizations.
When an organization is complex and trying to automate significant functions, a business use case model can be invaluable.
The activities or process steps that make up a given business process model can be analyzed to form the basis of use case modeling.
The relationship can be derived from the model by following the formal traces starting from a business goal, to the business use case realization, to the use case, and finally to the User Goal.
Examples are use cases, use case models, business rules, classes, class diagrams, sequence diagrams, the data model, and supplementary specifications.
An essential use case model, often referred to as a business or abstract use case model, models a technology-independent view of your behavioral requirements.
The use case model shown in Figure 6 is very similar to the business process model in Figure 3.
图6中所示的用例模型与 图 3 中所示的业务流程模型非常相似。
You have to evaluate the use-case model with respect to some frame of reference, such as business needs, business domain, and so on.
In some sense, the use-case model lets us make the link between the high-level business function and the low-level code that implement these functions.
The domain model is useful, even if you do not produce business use case realizations.
During the third step, a business Analysis Model is developed wherein each business use case realization is formalized in terms of two major UML artifacts.
Business Object model (FS-BOM) provides use case definitions and an integrated class model of all financial services concepts to support requirements definition and business-oriented solution design.
业务对象模型(Business Object Model,FS - BOM)为所有金融服务概念提供用例定义和集成类模型,以支持需求定义和面向业务的解决方案设计。
Figure 12 shows the integrated view of the business model, requirements, and a business use case UML diagram in Rational Software Architect.
图12显示了Rational Software Architect中的业务模型、需求和业务用例uml关系图的集成视图。