The business volume of post and telecommunications is calculated at 2000 constant prices.
Spanish drives 70% of the U. S. business volume, and Mandarin Chinese is the second most in-demand language.
Large-scale enterprises, EPC contractors, or other customers with large business volume and need outsourced logistics.
Prepares the import application plans in accordance with the business volume and communicates with the Finance Department.
Therefore, under the financial crisis, Yongze is still moving forward with steady development and ever-expanded business volume.
The company grows well with more than 30% growth in its business volume every year, which is a vibrant and professional heating company.
And these indicate that after the surprising rising of real estate in 2009, quantities of business volume return to the land market again.
Abstract: Since 2000, China's insurance industry has witnessed a rapid increase of insurance companies and a fast expansion of business volume.
The National Sugar & Wine Trade Fair has been held in Zhengzhou for 12 times with over 100,000 participants each and the business volume break through 10 billion yuan.
Bag printing market is small, but it is indispensable in people's social life, with the rise of Chinese retail business, bag printing business volume growth will be more fast.
Furthermore, due to a wide range of pharmaceutical products, business model unique, business volume, alone accounting manual has been very difficult to adapt to the workplace.
Codinate all methods of maintaining increasing business volume. This includes advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, publicity, community relations, special sales projects, etc.
Specialized expensive printers, with the increase in business volume, the cost of printing paper expands rapidly. Moreover, it is unable to neglect the cost of transportation and storage.
Pray for God's favor in bringing more business to the supermarket. As the cost of rental and other overhead cost are high in Cairo, they need more business volume to cover the high expenses.
Webpage is static or dynamic, or use of database technology, it should be based on website construction stage as well as the size of the enterprise and the business volume to determine the size of.
By the end of 2007, the accumulative contract price and business volume of Chinese engineering contracting in West Asia had reached 36.3 billion US dollars and 19.3 billion US dollars, respectively.
The business council is aimed at balancing bilateral trade by expanding trade volume.
In order to facilitate normal maintenance, disaster recovery, and business continuity, it is recommended that each volume group name be a unique value across the enterprise.
It displays key details about the usage of a business service such as its volume, cost per unit, cost modifier, and the total cost in a particular period.
Higher volume, business critical applications might have Service Level Agreements (SLAs) that demand dedicated hardware and software environments.
Business service usage report: the business service usage report gives a volume metric that shows the number of times a business service was invoked by the organization within the specified duration.
Sure, the property market is weakening with the volume of business declining and new property loans falling sharply.
Sure, the property market is weakening with the volume of business declining and new property loans falling sharply.