A multi-stage life will have profound changes not just in how you manage your career, but also in your approach to life.
It would help to end illiteracy and disease, but it would also dislocate a traditional way of life.
Sternberg notes that traditional tests best assess analytical and verbal skills but fail to measure creativity and practical knowledge, components also critical to problem solving and life success.
But there is also a place in a young life for noble purposes that include a dedication to the broader society, a love of country and an aspiration to make their own leadership contributions.
The main reasons for city dwellers to commute on a daily basis is not just for work but also for study, business, shopping and their social life.
To be able to support life, the new planet would need not only to have water, but it would also need to be solid.
Experience will show that to live in this way not only increases the life span but is also very healthy.
Nothing is more sad than taking on a job in which you have no interest, for it will not only ruin your talents but also discourage your desire to succeed in life.
The news was met with excitement by those keen to see Dean digitally brought back to life for only his fourth film, but it also drew sharp criticism.
Not only can the art bring happiness to others, but it also shows that even cold, hard iron can be back to life with a little creativity.
I feel that growing plants is just like trying to succeed with anything in life it takes not only time but also lots of efforts and patience.
He not only fought for his own life, but also saved his father's. On that day, Joe and his father Paul were out on their kayak off the coast of Anglesey. Suddenly they noticed that the kayak was starting to fill with water.
But it may be also the way to a greater life because it leads to not cheating.
We certainly need to know where we are going in life, but we also need to remain open to new possibilities.
What people forget is that the current explosion of degenerative diseases has not only led to an increase in premature death, but also to a significantly reduced quality of life.
But, like everything in life, there is also a downside to micro-blogging.
But they also need products to rebuild their homes and get by in everyday life.
Money is important, but it's also important to have less pressure in your life.
When you treat others with kindness and compassion, you're not only saving their feelings but you are also helping to move your life towards a more positive point of view.
But he also admits he has yet to establish the better work-life balance he was always urging on voters.
"We also need to not only further increase access to key HIV/AIDS interventions but also to pay attention to ensure higher quality of these life-saving services," he said.
Ostensibly to bail out the newspaper industry but also to foster a life-long habit of learning.
This Jovian moon isn't trying to give life the cold shoulder. In fact, it could be a home not just to simple micro-organisms, but also complex life.
The ISS is designed to study life in space, but it's also a great place to learn about Earth.
"It's not only a way to gain knowledge to improve yourself, but also a way to slow down your pace of life," explained Zhou Yunqing, a Wuhan University sociologist.
Women's advancement not only brings integrity and happiness to women but also better life and joy to all.
But there are two much more serious problems, common dental diseases that can lead not only to loss of teeth but also to loss of life: periodontal disease and oral cancer.
This helps slow the rate of global warming but also increases ocean acidity, posing a serious threat to Marine life.
This helps slow the rate of global warming but also increases ocean acidity, posing a serious threat to Marine life.