But always very effective, well, next time you sit down in front of the mirror, but also to relax.
People work extremely hard here, [but] the company also promotes being able to relax and enjoy your life outside of work, to keep a healthy balance.
There might be times during the day when you need to be efficient (at work, while running errands, doing housework etc.) but there are also times when you need to relax.
But our kids are also having trouble finding time to relax, sleep, and spend time with family and friends, and this busy lifestyle is beginning to take its toll.
Some states have also tried in recent years to relax or remove limits on the length of sessions, but they remain short in many places.
Busy but great people, each also have a kind of festive mood to relax.
You can also use a script (a set of written instructions), but hearing the instructions may be a better way to relax into the process.
These hobbies not only teach me how to relax, but also create quiet atmosphere for me to think patiently and study intensively.
It is not only the people to relax, leisure, entertainment, shopping, but also tourists feel the local culture, experience the local snacks and souvenirs to buy the best choice.
I have many hobbies, I like to play the zither, calligraphy and reading, which I like most is playing the zither, because the music can make me relax, but I also love learning.
But it also means that if you make a mistake, there's a nearly infinite amount of ways to fix it. So you should simply relax and play.
My current career path is to do an important member of soil-borne discussion, bored in the lab to go online fishing the money is good, not only money but also relax.
By using more vocal variety and body languages techniques in his speeches, he can learn to relax not only his presentation style, but also his demeanor.
The Grand Canyon of Zhangjiajie scenery Spot is not only an earthly paradise in scenery, but also the natural stage for you to relax, to free your soul and represent yourselves.
African Jasmine: The volatile oils produced significant bactericidal effect. Enable people to relax, is conducive to sleep, but also improve efficiency.
Karst expects the bookstore, to be a place where people will not only buy books, but also relax and meet people.
It not only attracts the imperial families to go and relax in the past, but also attracts a lot of local people to enjoy the springs in modern time.
Yup, it's cute but it also is a great way to help my 5 month old relax and fall asleep.
This not only provide them a means to relax but also an opportunity to interact and practice sports although they are physically challenged.
Functional single refers to the main function is to relax, so in addition to the bed, but also need to increase other auxiliary facilities.
Now I want to relax, but also to train to prepare for next season in the best possible way.
He says the main point is fun and fitness but it also has other perks: "it gives the guys a chance to meet and relax with their peers from other departments."
He says the main point is fun and fitness but it also has other perks: "it gives the guys a chance to meet and relax with their peers from other departments."