Brighter stars will generally have a much lower RMS but fainter objects will show larger values.
Brighter stars will generally have a much lower RMS, but fainter objects will show larger values.
One recent morning, a different note—fainter than the root note, but easily discernible—pealed distinctly in the middle of my right ear, a lone stalactite hanging in a cave.
I've used the Drop Shadow in the same way as with the text earlier (i.e. to create a highlight) but much fainter this time.
But the Nightingale's voice grew fainter, and her little wings began to beat, and a film came over her eyes.
I know that it would be fainter still, but for its blending with those memories of youth which are as a glimmer of the world's primeval glory.
The Voice on the earth was now louder and more triumphant; but the voices in the sky, after singing loudly with it for a time, began to get fainter.
But it's in the habitable zone because Proxima Centauri is a red dwarf star about 100 times fainter than the sun.
However, virtually all duns have the dorsal stripe, most have the leg striping, and the shoulder stripes are often fainter, but usually visible on horses with a short summer hair coat.
However, virtually all duns have the dorsal stripe, most have the leg striping, and the shoulder stripes are often fainter, but usually visible on horses with a short summer hair coat.