He suspects that further sampling in Europe may uncover yet more cryptic types of worms, species that look identical but are indeed separate on a genetic level.
But things have now started to become more exciting, and there are further plot twists and Revelations coming.
We could have lived cheaper or nicer if we were further away from everything, but we chose to be in a denser area, more walkable.
It didn't look very good, but then a further study made the picture more complicated.
Texas is not about to become a big national banking centre, but these are further signs that an economy of cotton, cows and drills has become a lot more diverse.
Further research has found that both men and women are at risk for oral cancer due to HPV, but the risk is approximately 35% more likely for men.
Neither party has formally responded to the quartet's statement, but the Palestinians have made clear they want a further settlement freeze before more talks.
Further research is needed to confirm the association, but Ellenbogen is confident that his findings will lead to better sleep for more people.
This is a very basic example of an ext JS extension, but it could easily be extended further to include some more features.
Both ErpPerson and ErpAddress elements can actually be further "sliced" to have more levels of element granularity but we stopped here for simplification.
But perhaps even more interesting is that this study provides further support to the theory that our communication originated with gestures.
But, he said, the rupee is unlikely to depreciate further, and 'with dollar revenue likely to come under more pressure, there will be further strain on growth.
Not only that, but more failure will further erode your confidence and increase the sad condition of your body.
But I am not to say anything further... Until more happens.
It's more common than you think, but most couples don't realize that they're mismatched until much further along in their relationship.
But the big gap between the cost of building a smart-phone and its price in the shops should widen further as ever more previously discrete components are packed on to a single main microchip.
A deal certainly is further away -indeed, more unlikely than ever -but is still possible.
A deal certainly is further away - indeed, more unlikely than ever - but is still possible.
And a few small studies done in people show it may help you recover more quickly from flu. But scientists caution that further study is needed.
But some more veteran members of the American press and staff said it went further than they'd seen in the past.
But a generator goes a bit further than a closure: a generator also "remembers" its position within flow-control constructs (which, in imperative programming, is something more than just data values).
Moderate drinkers had the lowest prevalence of fatty liver but further checks found it was related more to how often they drank rather than how much.
Moderate drinkers had the lowest prevalence of fatty liver but further checks found it was related more to how often they drank rather than how much.