Ten years ago, smooth plastic sleds became popular; they go faster than wooden sleds but are harder to steer and slow.
But although consumption per mouth in poorer countries has far to go to catch up with the West (see chart), growth is set to slow, predicts Nomura.
But now it turns out that with the right equipment, scientists can get light to go very, very slowly — as slow as 38 miles per hour.
When we go on a starvation diet to reduce our calorie intake, we not only destroy muscle tissue but also actually slow our metabolic rate.
But if they want to help Banks cough up the cash needed to meet the new reserve requirement they could simply go slow on bond issuance.
Let me put it this way: when you go to the hospital and get an IV drip, it’s a DRIP… meaning that you get a slow but steady introduction of fluids.
Slow skilled work, wood work Modaomen not mistaken, but I always skip the most important step, in fear and had to go, good luck can also embark on road, bad luck, in the maze of life going around.
They want to play up distinctive healing styles, but large, slow heals will never go away.
They wanted to find the tree, but the snail was too slow to go.
I make mistakes but when I hear that I am a 'slow midfielder', I say, 'Go and ask my opponent'.
The place's trademark is its tebasaki, or chicken wings, that are cooked robatayaki–slow-grilled over hot charcoal, but all its yakitori dishes go perfectly with beer.
Been telling myself not to go too fast to seize the side of happiness, but always before the dazzling mirage, so I can not slow their pace.
The snail said, "I'd go, but I'm kind of slow. Besides, Grasshopper, this is your neighborhood so you know where to go. ""
Sure, but the car will go slow... and do remember to remove the batteries once you are done.
No elevator, but go especially slow.
But with the company's shares losing nearly half their value since the Madonna signing, Mr Rapino advocated a go-slow approach.
Just relax, go slow and enjoy yourself - but don't play hard to get, either.
Then he closed, so to avoid any risk or anything like that I said I go straight but then there were these big bumps, so I had to slow down as much as I could not to damage the car.
Then he closed, so to avoid any risk or anything like that I said I go straight but then there were these big bumps, so I had to slow down as much as I could not to damage the car.