I do, but I appreciate it if it could be arranged.
I admire and appreciate those who try to express things hard to be described in words, but it simply isn't my strength.
I left, but you told me to. I'd appreciate it if you'd cop to that.
I don't think we would have randomly invited him over but we appreciate it and the gifts.
It was my first film, and I see every mistake, every hang-nail in the whole picture, but I still appreciate it as a piece of story telling.
"As a child, I really hated being told" because I say so "but I can appreciate the joyful simplicity of it now."
I did feel the earthquake, and it was fairly strong, but no damage. I'm perfectly fine, and I appreciate the concern!
I'm not entirely sure how I feel about that, but I appreciate her letting me quote her saying it in this post.
I really appreciate your invitation, but I must decline it.
I can appreciate the idea, but I don't think it works in practice.
Sometimes, saying something as simple as, "I appreciate your feedback, but think it may be more effective if presented in a more constructive manner," does the trick.
We think so, but I want you to appreciate that it is not obvious and it can not be proven from first principles.
I appreciate your kind offer but cannot accept it.
I know you don't appreciate it now, but you will when you're my age.
Note: I always recommend using an XML declaration in general, but I appreciate the reasoning behind omitting it in canonical XML form.
注意:通常我建议使用XML声明,但是赞同在规范化xml形式中忽略X ML声明的理由。
I appreciate your counter-offer, but find it too low.
I appreciate it, but I drove my own car to the office today, so I'll get to the party under my own steam.
I do appreciate that Apple made it to the 1980s and discovered folders, but those little tiny ICONS - all pretty much the same - don't go far to support Apple's vaunted claim to digital design skill.
However, I appreciate and love great pianos but it is not an absolute requirement for me.
It is so easy to criticize those close to me; but Lord, give me Your unreserved love so that they may know how deeply I appreciate them.
I I do, but I would appreciate you, if it could be arranged.
我能。理解。如果能够安排一下,我会十分感激你们的。 !
It is great up here, but I think I will appreciate the Earth even more after I return.
"It's thoughtful," he told The Detroit News, "but I think you have to have a healthy sense of humor to appreciate [it]."
It is now beyond passe to observe that the digital world is borderless, but I think we are yet to properly appreciate how borderless our planet can and should be.
I know it is a literary prized piece of work. But I cannot appreciate it.
NIXON:I know. But to go on and carry on denying it all… I appreciate the gesture.
NIXON:I know. But to go on and carry on denying it all… I appreciate the gesture.