But in doing so, we came across some unexpected behavior.
But in doing so, they are also fulfilling the relevant law.
But in doing so they must not compromise their duty to investors.
But in doing so, they made it vulnerable to less-coddled competitors from abroad.
But in doing so, HE acquires feelings for Sabrina that are much more real than David's.
I obey the commandments to the best of my ability I hope, but in doing so my soul thirsts like a parched land.
The school district disagreed, but in doing so, the district had to challenge the health department's conclusions.
SGML is designed to be "all things to all people", but in doing so it is too complex and therefore not widely used.
Twenty-somethings get caught in the stresses and demands of a job but in doing so let other parts of their life slip.
The reunited heroes set out to prevent their own destruction, but in doing so discover a deeper and far more diabolical plot.
This series is largely about building Webs of data, but in doing so, we need not ignore the idea of documents as a data source.
It will probably fail too, but in doing so it will indicate which parameters need to be adjusted. The parameters are stored in this file.
The incorporation of similarity information is meant to reduce the false-positive rate, but in doing so it increases the false-negative rate.
Me know what they say may be correct, is himself too much, always thought he had seen through everything, but in doing so let go of things when they limbs;
Too many wealthy parents focus on preventing their children from failing. But in doing so, they also deprive their children of the joys of self-made success.
Twenty-somethings get caught in the stresses and demands of a job but in doing so let other parts of their life slip.The over-50s are setting the pace well ahead of younger counterparts.
But in doing so they are working against the Treasury's broader goals: reducing the chances of foreclosure, cleansing the financial system of bad debts and negative equity, and rejuvenating lending.
It seems that pretty much everyone else in the class gets what they are supposed to be doing but I'm not so sure.
In the physical world, for example, burglars can break through a locked door, but they leave evidence in doing so.
You can also write a new one or adapt another open source project to fit the bill, but keep in mind that doing so takes cycles away from your actual project.
Lists allow the same socket to appear more than once in each list, but doing so doesn't make sense: conceptually, what is passed are sets of sockets.
But we have a choice to face it and in doing so, dissolving it into the nothingness from which it came.
Radioactive steam will still bubble up to the top of the water in the containment vessel, but will be harder to vent as the systems for doing so in an orderly manner are now underwater.
Doing so is not always bad, but in this case it has unwittingly kept the schema validator from helping out.
People in good health can safely donate, but the excuses given for not doing so were amazing.
Otis McDonald and his fellow plaintiffs in McDonald wanted to keep handguns for protection but were prohibited from doing so by ordinances in Chicago.
She wanted to start a family but couldn’t justify doing so in their current financial situation.
She wanted to start a family but couldn’t justify doing so in their current financial situation.