But in other words, people is detained, have never get right to determine their own life.
In other words, throwbacks are possible, but only to the relatively recent evolutionary past.
In other words, poor and rich both over-exploit the natural world, but for different reasons.
Several hours after a meal, people's hunger levels were predicted not by how much they'd eaten but rather by how much food they'd seen in front of them—in other words, how much they remembered eating.
In other words, your ears continue hearing sounds, but you can't hear the sounds just because your brain ignores them.
What parents do, in other words, is of deep concern to the state, for the obvious reason that caring for children is not only morally urgent but essential for the future of society.
In other words, I want to create a life of gratitude... but what does that mean?
In other words, it was instilled in our minds, but did not originate in our minds.
In other words, I'm not predicting a conflict, but what I am predicting in this article is more tensions, and perhaps more crises.
Trademark suits, in other words, may be humorous at times, but they are no laughing matter.
In other words, people get use to forget pleasant things in life but remember painful experience deep in heart.
In other words, emerging markets can be very, very scary, but the emotional strain is worth it.
The prospect for equities may not be great, in other words—but they may still be the best of a bad lot.
There were actually more deaths in the screening group, but the differences were too small to be statistically significant; in other words, it was a wash.
In other words we communicate fine but what we really mean in saying that is we communicate fine for everyday purposes.
The case against sanctions, in other words, seemed to be crumbling. But Turkey and Brazil might just succeed in swinging other temporary members of the Security Council against sanctions.
In other words - the bombs worked, but the scientists building them were basing their construction on theories, instead of observation.
In other words: Better, but nowhere near good.
In other words, the car's engine is protected, but not the paint and the body.
In other words, basic science is a necessary but not sufficient condition for remaining industrially competitive.
In other words, we don't know the data but we remember lots of ways to get at it very quickly.
It's a very rich tradition — in other words, somewhat in contrast with the very rich but also very recent tradition of African-American literary theory and criticism.
In other words, practitioners appreciate know-how, but are deeply seeking advances in know-why.
In other words, villages can take control over their built environment, but pretty well everyone has to agree before the bulldozers move in.
But that introduces false positive results; in other words, some normal tissues are marked as suspicious.
In other words, the TM1 cubes are not stored in the SQL database, but instead they are dynamically created from it.
换句话说,TM 1多维数据集并不存储于SQL数据库中,而是从该数据库动态创建。
In other words, Kentucky may abound not in restless spirits, but in people who believe in them.
In other words, Kentucky may abound not in restless spirits, but in people who believe in them.