Other changes aim to make formal law suits not just less costly, but less likely.
To know hypoallergenic products are not completely safe, but less likely to cause sensitive skin reactions.
Men were more likely than women to be described as "intelligent" or "funny", but less likely to be described as "nice" or "mean".
Conclusions Hypertensive women are significantly more likely to be treated than men, but less likely to have achieved BP control.
So, why are many Americans willing to go the distance to share Turkey and stuffing, but less likely to share a family dinner daily?
Asymptomatic patients were found more likely to have had previous cancer, but less likely to have COPD, when compared with symptomatic patients.
But the more dramatic and meaningful these commitments seem, the less likely they are to be observed.
But that seems less likely than the alternative.
Buying lots of booze does not make you a drunk-driver, but someone who buys little or none seems less likely to be one.
The study's key finding was that children who ate fast food and drank soft drinks were more likely to be overweight, but they were also less likely to be unhappy.
People can be mendacious and needlessly offensive using their own names, but they are less likely to be if they think their friends and colleagues might read what they say.
But this looks less and less likely.
But I think it's less likely to be a Wall Street type, and more likely to be someone with more of an international economic academic background.
Her partner will probably not marry her and he is less likely to stick with her than were men in previous generations, but he is also a lot less likely to beat her.
But the more bonds it issues, the less likely it will be to honour its debts.
All possible, of course; but all less likely by the day.
Pregnancy is less likely to occur under these circumstances but it is possible.
They may be used a few times in your application, but they are less likely to be used by another composite application.
By making the ordering process flexible, users should not only feel more in control, but should also be less likely to come across critical problems.
But over time, wives were less likely to use destructive strategies or withdraw, while husbands' use of these behaviors stayed the same through the years.
Yes, Japan is still an economic heavyweight, but it is less likely to yield surprises.
But they were less likely to have displayed symptoms during their lifetime, the study in Brain said.
That won't solve the territorial disputes, but it should make confrontations less likely.
In hospital more things go wrong because intervention is more common, but the complications are less likely to be lethal or to cause permanent damage.
At one time or another, we all have, but you'll be much less likely to make this error once the model concept is clear in your mind.
Individual skin cells just aren't that important to your overall survival. But you're less likely to scratch off a patch of critical brain cells.
But the latter group, it turns out, was less likely to miscarry again and more likely to have a live birth.
But the latter group, it turns out, was less likely to miscarry again and more likely to have a live birth.