It's not exactly the dream of wireless power envisioned by Nikola Tesla, who proposed vast tower networks transmitting electric fields, but more akin to siphoning juice from someone else's battery.
The kind of defence we want is not something akin to the Maginot Line, but more like manoeuvre warfare.
But the ultimate ambition of economics is for something more akin to anatomy.
But on a sunny day inside a building made from the cement, the effect is akin to little more than a light mesh on the wall filtering the light coming in.
But what if it's actually more akin to 1996?
Momondo – more travel search, but with stylish design more akin to fashion sites.
But the process to make sake, which includes milling the grains of rice and fermenting them for weeks, is more akin to the beer-making process.
They are more akin to an Old-World style from a mountainous viticultural zone, where the fruit is subtle, but unique and the taste is unforgettable, but not overpowering.
They are more akin to an Old-World style from a mountainous viticultural zone, where the fruit is subtle, but unique and the taste is unforgettable, but not overpowering.