I knew the water was getting low, but not that low.
These policy analysts believe that the problem is not caused primarily by wage inequity but rather by low wages coupled with single parent hood, regardless of sex.
The lake was not frozen sufficiently to bear her, but it was low enough that she could wade through it.
The second hypothesis is that we do perceive everything, but the brain categorizes the information, and whatever is not relevant to what we are concentrating on gets treated as low priority.
And it is true that birthrates are very low in most of Europe, which increases the percentage of old people, but that of course is not because of some biological impairment of European fertility.
“People had done all kinds of fancy things, but the problem with a lot of the methods was that the actual drug loading was very low, ” Kohane said. “It’s not clear why no one did this before.
Should I stick with the original or go for one of the other options that were low carb but not an exact copy of the Atkins diet?
In other words, it can tell you that your application is syntactically correct, but not if it's of high or low quality.
But she warned that, with Numbers so low, the tiger would not get another chance.
This is not to deny that crimes of violence are often crimes of poverty (for which read low status). But that is precisely what Darwinism would predict.
He is not saying that any agency has actually sunk that low, but it raises a tricky moral question: is it all right to detect a liar with a lie?
Although Britain's adolescent death rate is low compared with that of most countries, its morbidity rates - the long-term damage done not only by alcohol but also by obesity - are high.
The bank is a keen lender to wind and other low-carbon technology projects but argues that it is wasteful for Britain not to squeeze out all the oil and gas it can from existing North Sea fields.
I believe that Alan Greenspan is right in claiming that the main cause of the housing boom was not the Fed's actions but the worldwide low interest rates due to an abundant world supply of savings.
Very low level that did not exceed the drinking water standard but they had such a brouhaha that they almost shut this lab down because of the public outcry demanding that it be shut down.
That will mean not just a budgetary clampdown but also a rise in the base rate from its emergency low.
But the main reason that women cluster in low-paid fields, the bank argues, is that they do not control their own time.
They did say that it was very low safety significant because it's in the corrective action program, they may or may not get a fine. But they have the ability to give you a fine.
Reference queues are not as useful with soft references as with weak references, but they could be used to raise a management alert that the application is starting to run low on memory.
The Times notes that borrowed money has been used to finance not only real estate construction, but also low-return infrastructure projects like bridges, tunnels, subways, and roads.
《时代》 特别提到,这些借来的钱不仅仅用来做为房地产建设的资金,而且也用于像桥梁、隧道、地铁和公路等低回报的基础建设项目。
A spokeswoman for Starbucks did not dispute the calorie counts produced by the WCRF but added that the company sold many low-calorie coffees.
This revealed the hidden motivation that, since giving blood involves a bit of pain, people will happily do it if it's considered charity, but not if it equates to a low-paying job.
If the temperature dropped to 60 degrees below zero, we could not fly, but there were not that many days that the temperature was that low.
If the temperature dropped to 60 degrees below zero, we could not fly, but there were not that many days that the temperature was that low.